Danceteria nightclub, New York, 11 x 17", black and white offset poster, 1979

Non-Stop by Brain Aldiss, 5 x 7", color offset proof of cover illustration, 1977

Pop Front collective, 8.5 x 12.5", black and white Xerox poster, 1978

Peppermint Lounge, New York, dimensions variable, digital reproduction of original logo design line art, 1980s

Pravda nightclub, New York, 12 x 16.5", ink, graphite, correction fluid, and pen on wax paper, original design, 1979

I-Beam nightclub, San Francisco, 11 x 17", black and white offset poster, 1980s

Mutant Pop 78/79 on Fast Product / PVC Records, 14 x 22", black and white offset poster, 1978