DAVID KING (1948-2019) was an English artist, graphic designer, and musician best known for designing the Crass symbol. His many varied projects encompassed drawing, photography, sculpture, film, video, radio plays, and more. King was a core member of the New York no wave band Arsenal, and later the San Francisco post-punk bands Sleeping Dogs and Brain Rust. He generated hundreds of flyers for these bands and others during the period of 1977-1988, as well as creating logos, brand identities, and posters for nightclubs like Danceteria, Pravda, and the Peppermint Lounge in New York and the I-Beam in San Francisco.

David King Publications 1977 - 2019, San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco, CA, 2024
Return of Secret Origins of the Crass Symbol, And Pens, Los Angeles, CA, 2023
Happy, Park Life, San Francisco, CA, 2020
SFMOMA Tribute, San Francisco, CA, 2019
The Journey, Colpa Books and Video, San Francisco, CA, 2018
Fridge, Needles and Pens, San Francisco, CA, 2016
Secret Origins of the Crass Symbol, & Pens Press, Los Angeles, CA, 2013
The Somnambulists, Mystic Hotel, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Odd Alcove, Needles and Pens, San Francisco, CA, 2013
Screening of '70 Seconds In The Desert' & 'The Somnambulists', Artists Television Access, San Francisco, CA, 2012
Symbol, Goteblud, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Regime Change, Swarm Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2009
Museum of Small Things Photos and Drawings, (with David Holloway), Zuzu's Petals, San Francisco, CA, 2006
Photos the Phone Made, Gruenwald Press, San Francisco, CA, 2002
The Magnificent Curse of Mass Production, International House of Dave, 55 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, CA 2000
Funhaus, Mudhaus, San Francisco, CA, 1999
Wayne's World, Gallery Dodge SFAI Sculpture Department, San Francisco, CA, 1999
Styrofoam Idols, Gallery X, San Francisco, CA 1995
Big Drawings by David King, 185 Clara, San Francisco, CA 1990/92

Before it Becomes Words, Et al. San Francisco, CA, 2023
Torn Apart: Punk, New Wave, and the Graphic Aftermath 1976 - 88, Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, CA, 2022
Avant to Live: New Experimental Works, Artists' Television Access, December 22nd, 2018
Archive Fever3: Youtubers, with pieces by David King, Artists' Television Access, December 8, 2018
Neo Dada Collage, part of 'Dada World Fair' organized by City Lights Books, SF Collage Museum, San Francisco, CA, 2016
Fight War Not Wars: The Art of Crass, LCB Depot Lightbox, Leicester, UK, 2016
The Art of Punk, (film premiere), MOCA, LA, 2013
Punk Graphics, Hayward Gallery, London, UK, 2012
Up Against It, Munch Gallery, New York, NY, 2012
Passage, Gallery 60SIX, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Adobe Books and Backroom Gallery at Southern Exposure 20th Anniversary Auction, San Francisco, CA, 2009
Listen with Your Ears and Eyes Wide Open, This Time, curated by Rich Jacobs, Park Life, San Francisco, CA, 2009
Pinhole Photography Show, Rayko Photo Center, San Francisco, CA, 2008
Six Pack, The Lab, San Francisco, CA, 2007
Art Auction, Horse Hospital Gallery, London, UK, 2001
Chambre Entier De Monstres, Pete's Cafe, SFAI, San Francisco, CA, 2000
Cafe Frankenstein, Pete's Cafe, SFAI, San Francisco, CA, 2000
Love Struck, Gallery LusDavid King Biocombe, San Francisco, CA 1998
The Ray Johnson Memorial Mail Art Show, Wheeler Gallery, Amherst, MA, 1996
Pets are Wonderful Support Photography Contest, 3rd Place Best Cat, SF Bay Times, San Francisco, CA 1989
Against Nature & Rot all Rulers, Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA, April 7, 1982
Rot All Rulers, Millenium, New York, NY, 1980
Rot All Rulers, Tier 3, New York, NY, 1980
Art into Landscape, Serpentine Gallery, London, 1974
Earthwork, Landscape for Fire, and Landscape for White Squares, as part of EXIT with Anthony McCall, Airfield outside of Dial House, 1972
The Mystic Trumpeter / ICES, as part of EXIT, The Roadhouse, 1972

San Francisco Chronicle, 'Dave King retrospective at San Francisco Center for the Book' by Tony Bravo, Nov. 2024
Wallpaper, 'Political statements and punk rock: a David King retrospective highlights the colour of post-war culture' by Mary Cleary, Nov. 2024
KQED, 'Crass Artist's Subversive Zine Work Takes Over San Francisco Center for the Book' by Rae Alexander, Oct. 2024
SF/ARTS, 'David King Publications 1977-2019' by Mark Taylor, Oct. 2024
Fine Books and Collections, 'David King's Small Press Publications and Zines Celebrated in New Exhibition' Oct. 2024
Record Collector, 'Anarchists in the UK' by Phil Ross, Sept. 2024
KQED, 'David King Revisits Formative Childhood Imagery in Posthumous Book, Exhibition' by Sam Lefebvre, Feb. 2020
Stencils, 'Essential Forms' by Matt Borruso, 2020
Stencils, 'A Peace Symbol For Punks' by Richard Heller 2020
Stencils, 'Seven Theses on David King' by Howard Rodman, 2020
Stencils, 'Graphic Sensibility' by Barry McGee, 2020
Juxtapoz, 'David King's "Happy" is a Posthumous Look At His Last Projects', Feb. 2020
Pitchfork, 'Crass Logo Designer Dave King Dead at 71' by Evan Minsker, Oct. 2019
KQED, 'David King, San Francisco Artist Who Designed Iconic Crass Emblem, Dies at 71' by Same Lefebvre, Oct. 2019
The Hippies Now Wear Black, 'Dave King Designer of the Crass Symbol 1948-2019' by Rich Cross, Oct. 2019
Louder Than War, 'RIP Dave King', Oct. 2019
Punk News, 'Dave King, Designer of Crass Logo has Passed Away' by John Gentile, Oct. 2019
Design Observer, 'Dave King (RIP)' by Steven Heller, Oct. 2019
MOCA, 'The Art Of Punk - Crass - The Art of Dave King and Gee Vaucher', 2013
Juxtapoz, 'In L.A.: David King, The Secret Origins of the Crass Symbol at & Pens Press', Sept. 2013
Secret Origins of the Crass Symbol, 'Secret Origins?' by David King, 2013
Consequence of Sound, 'Not Just Another Cheap Logo: The Story of Crass and David King' by Sam Lefebvre, 2013
Boing Boing, 'Free the Crass Symbol!!!' by David King, Jan. 2012
Unknown, Interview with David King, Dec. 2011
Symbol by Dave King, Interview with David King by Matt Wobensmith, Oct. 2011
Unknown Zine, Sleeping Dogs Interview by Roderick and Grenold, 1983

Happy, Colpa Press, 2020
Walking Photos, Colpa Press, with forward by Glen Helfand, 2020
David King Stencils: Past, Present, and Crass! Gingko Press / Kill Your Idols, 2020
The Journey, Colpa Press, 2019
Still, Colpa Press, 2018
Scrapbook, Colpa Press, Edition of 50, 2017
Secret Origins of the Crass Symbol, &Pens Press, 2013, reprinted 2023

El Rayo X, MOsT Books, 2019
Gas Gun, MOsT Books, 2019
Q: What is Your Favorite Comic Strip? A: L'uomo Mascherato, Blisterzine / MOsT Books, 2019
Dione! MOsT Books, 2018
Intrusions, MOsT Books, 2018
Penumbra, MOsT Books, 2018
7 Teen, MOsT Books, Edition of 15, 2017
Every Red Death Volume 2, MOsT Books, 2017?
Every Red Death, MOsT Books, 2016
Net Book 2, 2015
Internet Scrapbook 001, MOsT Books, 2013
Remembering Audrey King, MOsT Books, 2013
J.G. Ballard's Inner Space, MOsT Books, 2013
The Corner of Sage and Sage, Photographs by David King 2012?
I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls, MOsT Books 2012
London Light, Photographs by David King 2012
Odd, 2012?
Several Journeys in One Photographs by David King, 2012
The Sound Mirrors, MOsT Books, 2012
Who Was That Masked Man? 2012
Catalog #1, MOsT Books, 2011
Passages, MOsT Books, 2011
Photographs, MOsT Books, 2011
Scrapbook, MOsT Books, 2011
Sons and Daughters of Fantomas, MOsT Books, 2011
The Sonambulists. Dream #358, MOsT Books, 2011
A Day at Dial House, MOsT Books, 2010
Buildings. Mostly Houses. MOst Books, 2010
Forty?!! MOsT Books, 2010
More Fun With Bron. MOsT Books, 2010
2009! MOsT Books, 2009
Dreaming of Istanbul, MOsT Books, 2009
Goodnight New York, MOsT Books, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day Dione, MOsT Books, 2009
July 2009. With Bron. MOsT Books, 2009
Miscellany, MOsT Books, 2009
More Photos the Phone Made, MoST Books, 2009
Photos the Phone Made in England, MOsT Books, 2009
Sea Birds, MOsT Books, 2009
Turkish Skulls, MOsT Books, 2009
A Lovely Day With Bron, MOsT Books, 2008
A Poem for Dione, MOsT Books, 2008
A Poem for Dione (Remix), MOsT Books, 2008
Airship, MOsT Books, 2008
Another Poem for Dione, MOsT Books, 2008
Basement, 2008
Brandi and Bron and David and David Go to Big Basin, MOst Books, 2008
Inexplicable, MOst Books, 2008
Male Men, MOsT Books, 2008
Mum's Birthday and Other Photos, 2008
The Somnambulists, Homage to California, MOsT Books, 2008
Tomales, Dione and David King, MOsT Books, 2008
Xmas Walk, MOsT Books, 2008
Modus Operandi, The Adventures of MO MOsT Books, 2007
Photos the Phone Made, MOsT Books, 2007
museum of small things, MOsT Books, 2006
Green House,e MOsT Books, 2006
Museum of small things by the two davids, MOsT Books, 2006
Light the Blue Touch Paper #1, #2, #3, date unknown

9 Poems, SFAI, 1992
No. 1, #1-6, 1987
Souvenir, 001, 1987
Beware, #1-20, 1985
Final Morning Extra, 1983-4
Sleeping Dogs, #1-2, 1984
Sleeping Dogs, Don't Believe Them, 1984
Breaking Through to the Grey Room, 1980s
No One, #1-6, 1980s
Suburbs of Hell, 1980s
Too Many Zombies, #1-11, 1980s
Too Final Many Morning Zombies Extra, 1980s
Breaking Through to the Grey Room, 1980s
Let Them Eat Cake, 1980s

Penumbra, 2018
Jacqueline, 2017
Intrusions, 2016
Every Red Death, 2016
Male Men, 2016
The Somnambulists, 2011
70 Seconds In The Desert 2000s
Sherlock Holmes vs. Dr. Mabuse 1988
Rot All Rulers, 1980

about sex war, Various Artists, L'Anomie, 1990
Brain Rust, Vinyl Communications, 1988

Vinyl Communications, Chula Vista, CA July 29, 1988
Lipp's Underground, San Francisco, CA September 22, 1987
Gilman Street Project, Berkeley, CA May 10, 1987
Safari Sam's Huntington Beach, CA June 29, 1986
Club Foot, San Francisco, CA June 28, 1986
Golden Gate Park Solar Noise Solstice Celebration, San Francisco, CA June 21, 1986
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA April 13, 1986
VIS Club, San Francisco, CA January 24, 1986
The Farm, San Francisco, CA December 15, 1985
New College, San Francisco, CA November 7, 1985
Stardust Studios, Los Angeles, CA April 27, 1985
Anti Club, Los Angeles, CA April 14, 1985
Club Foot, San Francisco, CA March 22, 1985
New Method Industries, Emeryville, CA November 24, 1984
Studio 4, San Francisco, CA December 1, 1984-87

Don't Believe Them, Sleeping Dogs Film, by Steve Bull, 1984
Beware, Crass Records, 1982
Up From the Basement, Unreleased

KFJC 89.7 FM, Los Altos, CA November 14, 1984
Ground Zero, Post Mortemist Ball, New York, NY October 29, 1984
Graffiti, (city?) October 14, 1984
Mabuhay, San Francisco, CA October 2, 1984
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA April 24, 1984
Rafik Film, Sleeping Dogs Don't Believe Them Screening, New York, NY February 23, 1984
Glen Pavilion, Dunfermline, Scotland, UK 1984
Metropolis, Seattle, WA November 4, 1983
Golden Crown Club, Seattle WA date unknown
Ground Zero Gallery, 'Post Mortemist Ball', Seattle, WA October 29, 1983
Latimer Hall Commons, Berkeley, CA September 16, 1983
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA September 10, 1983
On Broadway, 'War Resisters League Benefit' San Francisco, CA August 22, 1983
Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA August 6, 1983
Club Foot, San Francisco, CA July 31, 1983
Tool and Die, San Francisco, CA July 22, 1983
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA June 23, 1983
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA May 6th, 1983
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA September 17, 1982
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA September 3, 1982
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA 1982
Zig Zag Club Squat, London, UK December, 1982
Club Foot, July 20, 1982-84
KALX 90.7 FM, Berkeley, CA June 5, 1982-84
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA April 14, 1982-84

Minutes to Go (compilation), Calypso Now, 1983
Get Off Yr Ass (compilation), Crass Records, 1982
Red Spot (compilation), Subterranean Records, 1981

Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA August 13, 1982
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA July 22, 1982
Tool and Die, San Francisco, CA June 27, 1982
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA June 23, 1982
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA April 17, 1982
Pacific Film Archive, with screening of 'Against Nature' and 'Rot all Rulers', Berkeley, CA April 7, 1982
Barrington Hall, Rock Against Romance, Benefit for Take Back the Night, Berkeley, CA February 13, 1982
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA February 6, 1982
KFJC 89.7 FM, Los Altos, CA January 30, 1982
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA January 13, 1982
Fab Mab (Mabuhay Gardens), San Francisco, CA December 18, 1981
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA December 17, 1981
Valencia Tool and Die, San Francisco, CA November 28, 1981
Fab Mab (Mabuhay Gardens), San Francisco, CA February 23, 1981
Sound of Music, Anti Draft Benefit, San Francisco, CA February 2, 1981
Savoy Tivoli, San Francisco, CA January 15, 1981
Barrington Hall, Anti Draft Benefit, Berkeley, CA January 9, 1981
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA January 2, 1981
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA
On Broadway, San Francisco, CA September 4, 1981-2
Fab Mab (Mabuhay Gardens), San Francisco, CA July 15, 1981-2
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA July 4, 1981-2
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA June 21, 1981-2
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA June 4, 1981-2
Revolution Books, Benefit, 1317 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA February 19, 1981-2
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA February 15, 1981-2
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA January 26, 1981-2
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA January 16, 1981-2
Fab Mab (Mabuhay Gardens), San Francisco, CA January 11, 1981-2
Sound of Music, San Francisco, CA January 7, 1981
Savoy Tivoli, San Francisco, CA December 11, 1980
Rock City, New York, NY December 16, 1980
Max's Kansas City, New York, NY October 27, 1980
ABC No Rio, New York, NY September 13, 1980
Studio 10, New York, NY May 29, 1980
Spring Festival for a Non Nuclear Future, Thompkins Square Park, New York, NY May 11, 1980
Tier 3, New York, NY March 16, 1980
116 West Houston, New York, NY February 16, 1980
Tier 3, with screening of Rot All Rulers, New York, NY March 16, 1982
First Day of Winter Party, 116 West Houston, New York, NY December 22, 1979
Hurrah, New York, NY August 22, 1979
Hurrah, New York, NY August 21 1979
Tier 3, New York, NY July 31, 1979
Nova, Irving Plaza, New York, NY December 2, 1978
Giorgio Gomelsky's Zu Festival, Entermedia Theater, New York, NY October 17, 1978
Cuando, New York, NY (with Crass) June 30, 1978
The Kitchen, New York, NY April 9th, 1978
Club Hollywood, New York, NY September 25, 1978
Tier 3, New York, NY October 24, 1978-80
Club Hollywood, New York, NY October 16, 1978-80
33 Grand, New York, NY (with Crass and The Gynecologists) July 5, 1978
Inroads, New York, NY April 17, 1978-80
A's 330 Broome, New York, NY January 30, 1978-80

So Many Pictures, talk given at SF Art Book Fair, 2016
John Heartfield in Conversation with David King and Winston Smith, SF Collage Museum as part of 'Dada World Fair', San Francisco, CA, 2016
Crass and Other Stencils with David King, Berkeley Art Museum, October 14, 2012
Addicted to Paper: Two Artists Discuss Source Material, Scanners, San Francisco, CA, 2011
Fantomas by the Bay, presentation at City Lights Books, San Francisco, CA, 2011